The hidden power of trees: the chestnut

The chestnut tree can have an incredible life expectancy, as proven by a colossal specimen approximately 3,000 years old located on a slope of Etna. This tree was nicknamed the breadfruit tree in the 1850s because its fruits compensated for the lack of cereals in times of scarcity. It was the golden age of the chestnut tree. Used in flour, chestnuts are also appreciated as confectionery for the design of candied or grilled “chestnuts” just after picking. Chestnut jam is chestnut jam! Its large leaves are sometimes used to flavor and wrap goat cheese. Take a large, green chestnut leaf. Place it in front of your eyes and go get the sun looking at the sky. Do it standing or lying down for about fifteen minutes. You then perform a free chromotherapy session… The chestnut tree is always there to listen to you, he is happy to have you there. As with many receptive trees, it gladly welcomes you by wrapping you up as if you were in an electric blanket!

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – forest therapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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