The hidden power of trees: the arbutus

The arbutus, nicknamed the strawberry tree, is a tree with several trunks which gives pretty fruits called arbutus or Chinese strawberries. Of Mediterranean origin, you will find it mainly in Corsica or in Provence, because it fears severe frosts. Its rot-proof wood is used for trellises, fences and for making crates. Thanks to its very dense and evergreen foliage, it is ideal for turning into a natural and decorative windbreak. Until 1700, the forests that bordered the surroundings of Madrid were full of these arbutus trees. They attracted bears who love these fruits. The arbutus does not have a taste that is unanimous, but it is loaded with vitamin C, useful to prepare for the harshness of winter. It is better to consume them after transformation into jelly or compote. The strawberry tree symbolizes creation, perpetual regeneration, vitality and balance. That is to say if it is good to rub shoulders with him.

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – Sylvotherapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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