The hidden power of trees: the apple tree

The apple tree is a deciduous tree that grows everywhere in Europe, even at -20°C. It can reach 15 meters in height and have a life expectancy of a century. Its hardwood is used for making furniture and pulleys. The apple, bitten raw, tenderly massages the gums and protects them from gingivitis, for example. The apple is one of the healthiest fruits in our diet. It is an ally of our immune defenses. Meditating under an apple tree would bring wisdom and insight for a brighter future. During the festivals celebrated in honor of Saturn, the young girls of Ancient Rome sent their beloved a wreath of flowers as well as an apple that they had eaten. The young men had to finish the apple if they accepted the advances of the young girls. Think about it before biting into the apple!

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – Sylvotherapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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