The liquidambar is one of the most beautiful ornamental trees known. The beauty of its colorful and incandescent foliage in the fall catches our eye almost as much as Ginkgo biloba. Its bark exhaling a smell of cinnamon lets escape a resin, also sometimes called “White Balsam of Peru” which earned the tree its name “Liquidambar”. Which means “liquid”, and “amber”, in reference to this balsamic and aromatic sap of amber color which flows when one incises its bark. This resin with multiple virtues was used by the Cherokee Indians as chewing gum, by the Spaniards as incense in churches, but also in perfumery as a fixative, and in balm, Copalm balm. It reduces pain, fevers and heals the skin. In herbal tea, it stimulates the respiratory tract with a proven antispasmodic and anti-stress effect.
The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – forest therapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist