The hidden power of trees: holly

Holly is a shrub with persistent foliage, dark green or mixed with white, wavy and pungent. It thrives under the cover of the other trees around it. As a result, it has the advantage of being always green! Watch out for berries that are poisonous. Only thrushes and blackbirds eat them, and in moderation. It was grown to make tool handles and musical instruments. It has qualities that carpenters and craftsmen appreciate, such as a flexible and solid wood. In terms of health, holly leaves lower fever and effectively fight against lung inflammation. The holly is highly appreciated for decoration during the end of year celebrations because it is one of the rare trees to offer red and green at this time. Its picking in public forests is tolerated in small quantities and for exclusively family use.

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – Sylvotherapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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