The hidden power of trees: eucalyptus

Eucalyptus comes to us from Australia and more precisely from Tasmania. the dimension of this tree with evergreen azure leaves can reach more than 60 meters high. Eucalyptus bark is so soft that your thumbprint remains visible on it for some time after pressing. Eucalyptus can contain gold! It is able to pick up gold particles from the soil and accumulate them in its leaves. The gold rate is very low there, but the analysis of its foliage reveals an underground deposit. This detection technique could be used in Australia, the 5th largest gold producer in the world, where eucalyptus trees represent 95% of the forests. Rubbing eucalyptus leaves on the skin helps repel mosquitoes. They are also used as antifleas on animals and generally for a large number of infections of the pulmonary tract. The eucalyptus has the particularity of permanently losing bits of its bark, thus revealing a multicolored trunk. Going first from pale green, to purple blue, then orange and finally brown. Its trunk is a mosaic of colors giving it the appearance of a real rainbow.

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – Sylvotherapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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