The hidden power of trees: beech

The beech can reach from 30 to 50 meters and exceptionally live up to 400 years but, on average, it reaches 150 years. Its fruit, called beechnut, is edible in low doses because it contains a toxic component. Nevertheless, beechnuts are a source of food for many wild animals. In the past, pigs were taken to the forest to feed on beechnuts and sweet oak acorns. Heat is really his No. 1 enemy. On a sunny day, this tree absorbs 250 liters of water and evaporates 500. You can imagine the power it needs to transport this water to its top! Its energy is therefore extremely powerful. The foot of the beech resembles an elephant’s foot. This is what gives him an above average memory. Would he have the power to consolidate our own memory in contact with him?

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – Sylvotherapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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