The Hellfest transformed into mini-golf, it’s in Helmoute!

9:10 am Guest: Maël Nonet, founder and director of Editions Rouquemoute.In partnership with Hellfest, the Nantes independent publishing house Rouquemoute is launching a new collection of comic books, Hellmoute, inaugurated by a first album: Hellfest Metal Vortex.

Hellfest Metal Vortex

Hellfest transformed into mini-golf!

A strange curse has struck the thunderous lands of Clisson. Hellfest, a place of pilgrimage for metalheads, has turned into a giant mini-golf course. For Mike, Barbara and Loud, the self-proclaimed Horde of the Underworld, metal must return to water the vines of Muscadet. Especially since the latter had something to do with the disappearance of a festival icon… Published by Rouquemoute and printed in France by Pollina (Luçon, Vendée), Hellfest Metal Vortex is a delirious comic strip by Jorge Bernstein ( screenwriter at Fluide Glacial and Spirou), Fabrice Hodecent (screenwriter, editor-in-chief of Route64) and Pixel Vengeur (designer at Fluide Glacial and Spirou) which takes you to the heart of the biggest extreme music festival in France. On presale on KissKissBankBank from March 1 to April 18, 2022. Three collector boxes are also available. Hellfest Metal Vortex

About the Hellmouth Collection

This album inaugurates the Hellmoute collection, a project built in partnership with Hellfest Productions.

This is the first comic strip made on the Hellfest, with the Hellfest. Our teams worked in close collaboration and Rouquemoute knew how to surround itself. This album honors the metal culture

Ben Barbaud, founder of Hellfest.

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On social networks

In order to tell the stages of the assembly of this project, the videographer Quentin Sylvain, author of the whimsical trailer, has produced a series of video capsules which will be broadcast each week via the news of this campaign on KissKissBankBank.

Aurélien Frances, radio reporter, produced a first podcast around the links woven between the world of metal culture and that of comics. A second podcast, the trailer of which can be discovered on the presales page, will focus on monitoring the creation of this new editorial collection. Thanks to their work, you will dive behind the scenes of the creation, from the residency at Hellfest Productions and the validation of the script by Ben Barbaud to the progress points with the authors.

A Facebook page, an Instagram account and an account Twitter dedicated will also relay the news of the Hellmoute collection. YouTube – Rouquemoute editions

9:25 am Three minutes, a museum, a work, and behind the object a story to discover, the one told by Marion Orillard, in charge of research and inventory at the Conservation Department at the History Museum at the Château des Ducs de Bretagne in Nantes. She chose to tell us the story of a painting that illustrates the first official postage in France on January 5, 1702, a work currently presented in the temporary exhibition “L’Abîme” offered by the Museum until June 19. This painting, whose author is anonymous, symbolizes the obtaining by the Duchess of Orléans of the postage of Antoine Rolly by his master. Antoine Rolly belongs to a settler, who is also a notable, named César Coullet, who is Major General of Martinique. Antoine Rolly, born in Martinique, was brought back by César Coullet in 1701 who offered him to the Duchess of Orléans.

The Duchess of Orléans freeing Antoine Rolly
The Duchess of Orléans freeing Antoine Rolly

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