The height of the Canigou peak, in the Pyrénées-Orientales, has not changed for 20 years

The summit of Canigou has not moved for 20 years, France Bleu Roussillon reported on Monday.


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The Canigou massif, in the Pyrénées-Orientales.  (SÉBASTIEN BERRIOT / RADIOFRANCE)

The sacred mountain of the Catalans, located on the Canigou massif in the Pyrénées-Orientales, still measures 2,784.70 meters above sea level, reports France Bleu Roussillon, Monday June 24. A height identical to previous measurements taken in 2004, according to the National Union of Surveyors.

This year, on June 13 and 14, around forty professional surveyors climbed the mountain to take new, more precise measurements than in 2004. They notably used drones or even GPS markers “the same as there are 20 years,” explains Emmanuel Cretin-Maitenaz, president of the Surveyors’ Union. However, these markers are more numerous, as are the satellites which orbit the Earth and which facilitate the accuracy of the results.

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