the heavy damage caused by hive thefts



Video duration:
2 min

Beekeeping: the damage caused by hive thefts

In Aube, several hives have been stolen. This represents significant harm for beekeepers. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – K. Prévost, J. Santerre, J. Pelletier, M. Marini

France Televisions

In Aube, several hives have been stolen. This represents significant harm for beekeepers.

In Grandville (Aube), after fifty years of beekeeping, the hives of Jean-Claude Martin, president of the Center for Apicultural Technical Studies (CETA) of Aube, were stolen in the spring of 2023. With 35 colonies, they had one worth almost 4,000 euros. A few weeks later, his hives were found on isolated land by the gendarmerie. A kilo of honey sells for between 3 and 12 euros in cooperatives.

More than 430 hives stolen in one month

In all, around ten farmers were victims of theft. In one month, more than 430 hives were stolen. On October 11, 2023, the gendarmerie arrested two brothers suspected of being the criminals. In the search images, professional equipment and honey ready to be sold are visible. For this unprecedented investigation, the gendarmes had to learn the basics of beekeeping. “They called on me, in particular to understand how a hive works and the damage suffered”, indicates Jean-Noël Lévêque, beekeeper, former national police investigator. The damage is estimated at 400,000 euros.

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