“The heart goes too fast!” : Nehuda pregnant and taken to the emergency room, her baby’s health in danger?

Pregnant with her second child, Lea Nehuda was hospitalized in an emergency on March 26, 2022. On Snapchat, the young woman, visibly in the worst possible condition, revealed that she was the victim of a terrible fever which puts the health of her baby in danger.

I’m at the end of my life, confides the young mother. I’m in the hospital I feel like my head is going to explode. Basically, I have too much fever and the baby’s heart is going too fast. My heart is going too fast and the baby’s is going too fast. So for now, as long as her heart doesn’t slow down, they’re keeping me. The goal is for him to slow down, for everything to calm down and for me to be able to go home, except that if the baby’s heart goes too fast, too long afterwards, it’s not pleasant for him, it tires his heart. For now they are keeping me hope the fever will go down and her heart will slow down for my baby“, indicates the former candidate of reality tv.

Exhausted, the pretty brunette – who was in a relationship with Ricardo Pinto for many years despite the numerous accusations of domestic violence of which she had accused him – confided to suffer martyrdom because of very painful headaches. “It’s horrible. I don’t know if you see but I’m red. I’m very very very hot, I’m burning, it burns me, my eyes look like they’re going to explode they’re so red. Here Rica brought me but he can’t accompany me in the room“, had confided the future mother.

A few hours later, she gave reassuring news to her subscribers: “The baby is fine, he is still warm. Me too I’m going even if I feel very bad, the hospital preferred to keep us. We are both under surveillance and taken care of in the hospital.

In December 2021, Nehuda surprised her fans by revealing images of her ultrasound on Instagram. “The second most beautiful gift that life gave me“wrote Nehuda. Already mother of Laïa, 4 years old fruit of her love with Ricardo, the candidate of The Voice is therefore preparing to welcome a second child, who will be a little boy.

Impossible, however, to know the identity of the dad that she has not yet officially revealed. “So in 2021, it is possible to have children without sexual intercourse. It is possible for homosexual couples to have children. It is also possible for a single woman to have a child with a man at random or through medicine and it is possible for a single man to call on a surrogate mother. But there is an exception. For Nehuda, not the right to be pregnant and to be separated. Love was, love is no more but it left one last gift on its way. If I didn’t want it, if it was an unmanageable situation for me, I would have aborted“, had written the young woman, very mysterious.

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