the health situation is deteriorating in Franche-Comté as Christmas approaches

Whether in Doubs, Jura, Haute-Sâone or Territoire-de-Belfort, with the approach of Christmas, the indicators of the Covid-19 epidemic are worrying in Franche-Comté. The incidence rates are almost all over 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, hospital pressure is increasing, and the Omicron variant is progressing. Vaccination is not yet high enough. We take stock in Franche-Comté as Christmas approaches

Incidence rates that have skyrocketed

The incidence rates are breaking the ceiling in all the departments of Franche-Comté. And they are almost everywhere beyond 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. It is in the Doubs that the figures are the most worrying with an incidence rate of 636.4 on December 22.

Immunization coverage still too low

Vaccination coverage is struggling to increase in some departments and the vaccination campaign may have accelerated, a certain number of inhabitants are not vaccinated at all. Vaccination has started for children under 11, the most fragile, for the others, it will be necessary to wait until the beginning of the year 2022.

As for hospitals, the number of patients is increasing exponentially. Patients admitted to intensive care are mainly people unvaccinated. The situation is most critical in the Jura, with an occupancy rate of resuscitation beds at 112.5%.

A vaccine booster still low

Many centers opened at the end of the year to allow speed up the vaccination booster campaign. It is in the Doubs, that the rates are lowest with 28.3% of people having received a vaccine booster.

The omicron variant progresses

What worries the authorities is the arrival of the Omicron variant. If he represents less than 5% of positive tests in Franche-Comté, he is making great strides. The variant is much more contagious, and could amplify the spread of the virus.

To limit the risk of contamination, many measures are taken to limit gatherings. The government also advises to limit social contacts as much as possible and to be tested before the holidays. But we still have to find some. Many pharmacies have already been in short supply for several days.

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