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As the mobilization against health measures is organized, the government is increasingly thinking of loosening the screw at school this time. A series of consultations is launched, Tuesday, February 8, to see how to lighten the health protocol. We find Marc Dana live, in front of the Ministry of Education.
The Minister of Education has learned the lesson, he consults before deciding on the new protocol. “He is actually consulting with representatives, because there is a first meeting with the teachers’ unions, without a minister, but with officials from the Ministry of Education, but also from Health”reports Marc Dana, live in front of the Ministry of Education on Tuesday February 8 for France 3. “They are taking stock of the epidemic situation, it is improving so it could quite lighten its health protocol in schools”says the journalist.
Several avenues are under study: “The first would be the end of the wearing of masks outdoors, but outdoors only, the return of indoor sport and the non-mixing of classes. Several unions did not always see the need for the three compulsory tests in the event of suspicion of Covid on the part of students and teachers. The government is considering withdrawing one of these three tests”, says Marc Dana. No decision will be made today. “The new health protocol will have to be announced at the end of the week, for application upon returning from the February holidays”, concludes the journalist.