“The health pass is not relevant for the moment”, assures Brigitte Autran


France 2

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the Pr Brigitte OtherPresident of the Health Risk Watch and Anticipation Committee (covars)is the guest of “4 Truths” of France 2, Thursday October 6th.

The number of cases linked to Covid-19 is increasing in France. Should the mask be made compulsory again? “We are thinking about it, not thinking about it, but calculating what the benefits of wearing a mandatory mask would be compared to wearing a recommended mask”explains Professor Brigitte Autran, president of the Committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks (Covars), guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Thursday, October 6.

The return of the gauges and the health pass, is it topical? “The health pass is not relevant at the moment, the gauges probably not. Vaccination at the moment is not intended for the population as a whole, it is really risk classes”says the president of the covars.

A new coronavirus has been discovered in Russia, the Khosta-2. “For the moment, it has no worrying character. We’re not even sure it infects humans. It has no epidemic dimension. With the progress of science, we are constantly discovering new viruses, we must take this news with a certain serenity.pleads Brigitte Other.

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