The health of our children is non-negotiable

The Mothers at the Front of more than 26 local groups from across Quebec join their voices in support of the demands of their sisters, the Mothers at the Front of Rouyn-Noranda.

Posted at 12:00 p.m.

Nathalie Ainsley

Nathalie Ainsley
Mother at the front in Montreal for Laurie, Annie and the children of Rouyn-Noranda, as well as 87 co-signers *

These demand, and we demand with them, compliance with the Quebec standard for arsenic emissions of three nanograms per cubic meter, more frequent measurements and clear accountability, including penalties for overruns. They are asking, and we are asking with them, for concrete targets and actions to control the release of other air pollutants known to pose health risks to which our children are more vulnerable.

Remember that because children breathe more, drink more, eat more than adults in proportion to their weight and because their immune system is still immature, they are much more affected by pollution than the average population.

We would like to highlight the courage and determination of the members of the ARÊT (Arrêt des Rejects et Emissions Toxics de Rouyn-Noranda) committee, the mothers and grandmothers at the Rouyn-Noranda front and their allies, as well as all the people who went up to the front. Their hard work has made it possible to inform and mobilize the population, and to demand an end to this complicit privilege, the lack of transparency of Public Health and the Legault government, to the detriment of the health of citizens. of Rouyn-Noranda.

Local and regional elected officials have known for too long that the standards are outdated. The complacency of the city council and the government towards Glencore, owner of the Horne smelter: we all deplore it.

We also salute the supportive MNA Émilise Lessard-Therrien who, with constancy and integrity, has been defending this issue for several years in the National Assembly and with various public and political authorities. A politician at the service of the population, who fights for everyone’s right to a healthy and safe environment: this is what we expect from our leaders to ensure the future of the world.

Across the province, this courage and perseverance make us proud and give us hope, by demonstrating that by mobilizing and demanding political courage, the status quo can be changed, the unacceptable can be refused. We, the Mothers at the Front, stand up, denounce and demand, when our health and safety, as well as that of our children, are compromised.

Rising rates of cancer, low birth weight babies and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as damage to biodiversity, the source of life on earth, are non-negotiable. The well-being of all those who live and who will be born must first and foremost be protected, without exception, in Rouyn-Noranda and everywhere else.

We are mothers, we are grandmothers, we are loving and angry. Courageously, we dare to ask for ambition and lucidity from our political representatives, for as long as it takes.

* Co-signers: Lise Huneault, grandmother on the Montreal front, for Laurence, Caroline Duranleau; mother at the Trois-Rivières front, for Thomas, Emy, Charles-Antoine, Mia and Olivier, Brigitte Hannequin, mother at the Quebec front, for Catherine, Gabriel and Geneviève; Laure Waridel, for Theodora, Alphée, Colin, Justine and all the children in the world; Lynda Youde, Mother at the Saguenay front, for France, Olivier, Livia and Alicia; Mylène Fortin, mother at the Matane front, for Léopold and Arnaud; Mireille Elchacar, Mother at the Sherbrooke front for Albert and Alexandra; Lysanne Villemure, Mother at the Laurentians front, for Romi and Charlie; Kathy Bouffard, mother at the Abitibi-Ouest front, for Danika; Danielle Dansereau, Mother at the Eastern Townships front, for Thomas, Noémi, Amy, Léonie, Théodore, Bettina, Anaïs, Léopold and no Basile; Miriam Rabkin, Mother at the Ottawa Front, for Siena and her nephew and all their little friends who have a whole future ahead of them; Johanne Saucier Mother at the Arthabaska-Maple front for Marie Ève, Angélique Évan, Kael and Baby in Bulle de Rêve; Christine Dandurand, Mother at the Front Vaudreuil Soulange for Maude and Arnaud, for all the children, the communities, for our health and our environment; Valérie Bourret, Mother at the front – MRC de Drummond, for Jordan & Jake, and all the children, teenagers and young adults of the MRC; Carole Mainville, grandmother on the South Shore front in Montreal, for Clarence and all the children in the world; Isabella Pasinato, Mother at the front of Laval for Ubert 11 years old; Claudine Hébert, Mother at the Front Les Moulins, for Émile and Mathias; Monique Rondeau, Grandmother at the Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu front for Laurélie; Amélie Masse, Mother at the Haute-Gaspésie front, for Romain; Sophie Daunais-Ouimet, Mother at the front Rosemère and surroundings for Olive and Pauline; Nicole Gagné, grandmother on the Quebec City front, for Félicie and Éléonore; Cécile Roy, mother at the front for many nephews and nieces and their children including Aude, Léandre, Flavie, Albert; Audrey Larochelle, mother at the Arthabaska-Érable front for Alfred; Sophie Dansereau, mother on the Montreal front for Barbara, Florence, Olivia, Delphine and Arthur. Grandmother at the front for Adrien, Léon, Juliette and another to come; Véronique Côté, mother on the Montreal front for Lucile; Jocelyne Alarie, mother on the Eastern Townships front for Annie, Aymeric and Didier; Sylvie Fradette, Mother at the Montreal front for David, Valérie, Maud-Émilie, Mathias, all the children of the world and the living; Marie-Louise Gay, grandmother at the front, Montreal, for Nakoa and Éléonore; Gail Dalgleish, Mother at the Eastern Townships front, for Antoine, Mandela, Théo and for all the children here and elsewhere; Suzanne R. Fernandez, Granny at the front, Montreal for my grandchildren and all the children of the earth and the living; Inês Lopes, Mother at the front for Théo and Nolan, for all children, communities, health and the environment; Catherine D’Amours, Mother at the Montreal Front, for Mathis and Julia; Sylvie Cantin, grandmother at the front on the South Shore of Montreal for Jérémie and Éliane; Hélène Bédard, Mother at the Montreal Front, for Jérémie and Olivia; Elsa Moreau, Mother at the Quebec Front, for Ophélie and Héloïse; Valérie Saucier, Mother at the Outaouais Front, for Raphaëlle and Charlie, for all the children, the communities, for our health and our environment; Marianne Picard, MAF Rive-Sud de Montréal for Marie-Lys and all my students; Marie-Andrée Foucreault-Therrien, Mother at the front and her allies from the Eastern Townships for Gabrielle, Raphaelle, Marie-Soleil, Audrey and Jérémy; Amélie Bousquet, Mother on the South Shore front of Montreal for Clara and Dimitri; Anne-Marie Chapleau, Mother at the front – Saguenay, for Agathe, Daphne and Lily; Guylaine Bombardier, Mother on the Montreal front for Jean-Victor and all the children of the world; Louise Deschênes, Mother at the front-Vaudreuil-Soulanges for Mathilde and Fleur; Sonia Messier, Mother at the front and her allies from the Eastern Townships for Émiliane and Raphaëlle; Claire Moran, Mother at the front and her allies for Montreal, for Amélie and Michel; Louise Morel, Mothers at the Front for Sarah-Ève, Béatrice and Benjamin; Chantal Archambault, Mother at the front for Olive; Myriam Lalumière, Mother at the front for Flore; Louise Condrain, MAF south shore of Montreal; Marise Mathieu, Mother at the Rosemère front and surroundings for William, Léo, Noémie, Ophélie and Romane; Martine Chenel-Gauthier, Mother at the Vaudreuil-Soulanges front, for Ève, Camille and Raphaël; Lyne Mathieu, Mother at the front of my daughters, my nephews and nieces; Kareen Guillaume, Mother at the Front Montreal for Oscar, my nephews, nieces and the living; Sylvie Dubord, Mother at the Saguenay Front, for young people and children; Andréanne Grimard, Mother at the Montreal Front, for Madeleine, Jeanne and Itza; Myriam Bizier, Mother at the Montreal Front, for Frédérique; Hélène Gratton, Mother at the Front in the Eastern Townships, for Olivier, Catherine and Gustave; Lyne Lefebvre, mother and grandmother at the front for life; Lise Gagnon, Mother at the Montreal front, for the living; Nicole Fortier, Mother and Grandmother at the Front, Montreal; Véronique Lefebvre, Mother at the Montreal Front, for Emile; Magaly Paquet, mother at the front for Adrien and Capucine; Cynthia Lemieux, Mother at the Front in the Eastern Townships for Anne; Laure-Anne Douxchamps, Mother at the Montreal Front, for Samuel; Lise Larouche, Grandmother at the Saguenay Front for Thomas; Diane Choquet, mother of Maude and Laurie and grandmother of Éva; Liane Paradis, for my great-grandchildren and my grandchildren; Marie-Josée Longpré, Mother at the front for Léonie and Loïc; Marie-Claude Brouillette, Mother at the Moulins front for Étienne and Jérôme; Pauline Cordier, Mother at the Montreal Front; Valeria Moro, Mother at the front for my children but also for present and future generations; Monique Lampron, Mother at the Montreal Front for Damien and Adam; Marlène Gagnon, Mother at the front for Samuel and Marianne; Camille Perreault, Mother at the front for Floralie and Lou-Félix; Christine Chenard, Mother at the Front for Romain and Marguerite; Coralline Debroise, Mother at the front for Adénor, Corentin, Aymeri; France Duquette, Mother at the front for Arthur, Eli, Marine and Thierry; Jasmine Godbout, Grand-MAF, for Noémie and Alexis; Isabelle, Mother at the Montreal front for Kitana, André, Jean-Louis, Jacques and the living; Béatrice Loubier, Mother at the front Rosemère and surroundings for Adèle; Perrine Lapierre, Mother at the front Rosemère and surroundings for Luce and Romain; Caro Belli, Mother at the front Rosemère and surroundings for Leo, Ludo and Milo; Judith Martin, Mother at the Montreal Front for Eliot, Oliver and the Living; Maryse Mayer, Mother on the Quebec Front, for Megan and Raphael; Gabrielle Spenard-Bernier, Mother at the front for Mila, Léo, Charles and Victor; Nadia Rénélique, Mother at the Montreal Front.

source site-58