The health crisis, the war in Ukraine and the decline in purchasing power impact the generosity of the French in terms of donations

This is what emerges from the latest barometer published by the Apprentis d’Auteuil Foundation, which franceinfo reveals to you.

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This survey carried out with Ipsos is all the more relevant as it falls in the midst of the 2021 tax declaration period. It therefore offers a fairly precise look at the actions or intentions of the French in terms of solidarity.

Thus, the impact of the French and international situation is very real: in two years, the share of donors has gone from 51 to 48% of those questioned, but it has increased by three points to reach 80% among high incomes. Another striking point: the generosity of the youngest donors has increased, with an increase of 10 points. 52% of those under 35 say they have made a donation in the last year.

Donation amounts, on the other hand, are much lower. During the pandemic in 2020, there was an outpouring of solidarity, but last year we fell back to pre-health crisis levels. In concrete terms, last year, donors disbursed an average of 274 euros, 30% less than in 2020. Ditto for high earners who were more numerous to give, but less in value: 2190 euros on average, or 10 % less over one year.

Concerns about health, disabilities, concerning the most deprived and young people, remain very strong but because of the donations made for Ukraine, some French people plan to give less than usual for other causes.

Obviously, inflation and declining purchasing power will impact donations this year. Taxation should, however, help: you should know that, for two years, the tax exemption ceiling has gone from 550 to 1,000 euros, a maximum amount on which the donor benefits from a 75% reduction in income tax. .

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