The health benefits of fish

Did you know ? ANSES recommends eating fish twice a week, alternating between fatty fish and lean fish.

Fish is rich in trace elements, minerals and vitamins

Fish provide the body with minerals, such as phosphorus, iron and magnesium and trace elements, such as iodine, zinc, copper, selenium or fluorine.

Essential to health, the vitamins present in fish are numerous:
– Vitamin A, which contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system;
– Vitamin B, good for the nervous systems and to be in shape on a daily basis;
– Vitamin D, which ensures a better solidity of our skeleton. As a result, it helps prevent osteoporosis;
– Vitamin E, to neutralize excess free radicals, fight against oxidative stress and premature cellular aging. In addition, its antioxidant properties help protect the body from inflammation, various cancers, etc.

Did you know ? Fish is the best food source of natural vitamin D!

Fish is an excellent source of protein
Fish provides our muscles with as much protein as meat. You can therefore completely substitute red meat or cold cuts for fish.

Another major advantage: Proteins from fish are more digestible!

It is also a preferred source of omega-3 fatty acids
Essential for the development and functioning of the body, omega-3 fatty acids also protect against cardiovascular disease and have significant anti-inflammatory effects.

“By thinning the blood, they [les oméga-3] fight against high blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular disorders and relieve venous insufficiency. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties, they are an asset against osteoarthritis: they act as painkillers, reduce the frequency of attacks and help patients regain better joint flexibility,” says dietician Marie-Laure André.

It is low in calories and low in fat
Even the oiliest fish has less fat than meat.

Lean fish (sole, monkfish, cod, hake) is particularly low in fat and calories. In addition, oily fish should not be banned from your menus, as they are richer in omega-3! The key is to vary the pleasures, by diversifying your dishes.

It has a protective effect against AMD
Omega-3s play an essential role in the proper functioning of the brain, nervous system and retina. People who eat a lot of fatty fish have a lower risk of developing AMD, age-related macular degeneration.

It is good for memory
Fish improves cognitive functions, in particular thanks to its omega-3s.

Watch out for poisoned fish!
Salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines… All these fish are considered fatty, that is to say rich in omega-3. The problem is that these fatty fish are the most likely to be polluted because the toxins and pollutants accumulate in their fatty tissue, in their fat. These pollutants can have adverse health effects if overexposed.

Did you know ? Swordfish is 10 times more contaminated with mercury than a sardine, and 5 times more than a salmon.

But don’t panic: our body has enough to neutralize a good part of these toxins. However, be sure to vary the species and the places of supply, but also to favor fish from reasoned and controlled fishing, with a quality label and preferably organic.

Trick : To eat raw fish and benefit 100% of its richness, freeze it at -20° before eating it, to destroy the parasites responsible for food poisoning.


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