the head of the Hunters’ Federation puts together a list focused on the defense of rurality

The European elections will take place on June 9, 2024. With this list, the president of the Hunters’ Federation Willy Schraen wants to alert politicians so that they listen to the rural world.

Willy Schraen, the president of the National Hunters’ Federation, checked Wednesday December 6 in his diary to launch a list whose philosophy will be: “Don’t touch my rurality”. A list with just six or seven hunters because it is about defending the rural way of life as a whole. Farmers, wine growers, mountain bikers, country doctors… and even, promises Willy Schraen, starred chefs. The program is simple: stop at “punitive ecology” and to “European standards which complicate life”. The boss of hunters wants to alert politicians so that they listen to the rural world.

Hunters cajoled by the President of the Republic

However, in the 2022 presidential election he supported Emmanuel Macron in the first round. It must be said that since 2017 the Head of State has been taking care of hunters: halving the price of the license, support for traditional hunts… But “this list can help us get ahead of the RN”, admits a minister. From there to saying that it is pushed by the macronie there is only one step… Willy Schraen assures that he is not remotely controlled by anyone. The proof is that he gets along well with the president, but also with Xavier Bertrand and Fabien Roussel. He’s even going to see Jordan Bardella soon.

>> European elections: Fabien Roussel and Jordan Bardella, a remote fight at the top of breeding in Puy-de-Dôme

This list of defense of rurality can be heard almost everywhere except, of course, among environmentalists. The RN, strong in rural areas, is in the sights. “I can’t imagine a hunter who votes for RN for purchasing power and against immigration saying ‘hey, I’m going to vote for Willy Schraen’”, plays down someone close to Jordan Bardella. He returns the mistigri to Reconquest and LR, “where voters may want to have fun”. “It can hurt us”, admits a baron LR. A minister grimaces: “I’m afraid we’re creating a monster, a list like that could make up between 7 and 10% of the Europeans!”. Another still warns the hunter: “it’s dangerous to count yourself out, a bad score and you lose influence”. At 0.5 or 5%, the story is indeed not the same.

Promoting France services houses

Their names are Laurine, Jérémie, Tiphanie and Agnès. From Thursday October 26, you will see the faces of these advisers from France Services houses on 15,000 posters posted in France. Real public agents for the communications campaign, if that reminds you of the ad for a famous brand that repairs windshields, that’s normal. The Minister of Transformation and Public service, Stanislas Guérini, wants to promote these counters where you can carry out around ten administrative procedures: taxes, RSA, car registration… There are 2,600 today and 150 new Maisons France Services will open by the end of the year. The government thus wants to put an end to the widespread feeling of areas deserted by public services.

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