the head of the American diplomacy describes as “barbaric” the Russian strikes targeting the Ukrainian infrastructures

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11:46 p.m. : Russian bombardments have destroyed the electrical infrastructure. “We get used to living in the dark, we make up our minds”, comments Katerina Fumanchuk Meita, a resident of Kyiv. Here is the report by a team from France Télévisions.


9:01 p.m. : We explained in this article how the Holodomor shaped Ukrainian identity.


9:00 p.m. : The lower house of the German parliament, the Bundestag, has adopted a resolution recognizing as “genocide” the famine in Ukraine caused 90 years ago by the Stalinist regime: the Holodomor.

6:59 p.m. : The constructor of nuclear power plants and fuel supplier Framatome, a subsidiary of EDF, confirmed last night that the load identified in Dunkirk indeed concerned a “delivery of material for the manufacture of nuclear fuels” to its factory in Romans-sur-Isère (Drôme). This fuel is then intended for its “customers and in particular the French nuclear fleet”he specified.

6:59 p.m. : Despite the war in Ukraine, France continues to import uranium from Russia. “Dozens of drums of enriched uranium and ten containers of natural uranium from Russia” were transported by cargo ship to the port of Dunkirk yesterday. They were loaded “on board a train and several trucks whose destinations could be Pierrelatte in France and/or Lingen, in Germany”says Greenpeace.

4:55 p.m. : Nine people died yesterday in Ukraine in house fires, announced the Ukrainian relief. These incidents were caused by candles, generators and gas appliances that Ukrainians are installing in their homes due to power cuts.

3:34 p.m. : A security cordon has been set up by the police around the embassy, ​​located in a residential area near the French school in Madrid.


3:35 p.m. : Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba instructs to tighten security measures at all Ukrainian embassies. Earlier in the day, an employee of the Ukrainian embassy in Madrid was slightly injured by an explosion which occurred while handling a letter within the embassy, ​​according to a police source.

2:46 p.m. : Russia claims the capture of two villages near Bakhmout, a city in the east of the country now largely destroyed, which Russian forces have been trying to conquer since the summer. “As a result of offensive actions, Russian soldiers liberated the localities of Bilogorivka and Perche Travnia” (village called Ozarianyvka in Ukrainian)”says the Russian Ministry of Defense.

1:48 p.m. : Antony Blinken qualifies as “barbarians” Russian strikes targeting civilian infrastructure in the country. “Over the past few weeks, Russia has bombed more than a third of Ukraine’s energy system, plunging millions into cold and dark”says the US Secretary of State.


1:33 p.m. : We told you about it earlier. Ursula von der Leyen spoke about the death of “100,000 Ukrainian soldiers”, before the European Commission evokes an “inaccuracy”. Our explanations.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, during a conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine, October 25, 2022. (CHRISTOPHE GATEAU / DPA)


12:12 p.m. : “We asked the European Commission where Ursula von der Leyen got this information from”, then commented a spokesman for the Ukrainian presidency, Serhiy Nikiforov. He denounces a number “extremely far from reality”, in an interview with Hromadske media. Only the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the Minister of Defense, or the President are authorized to communicate such information, qualified as “sensitive”.

12:11 p.m. : European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said this morning that more than 100,000 Ukrainian servicemen and 20,000 civilians have been killed since the start of the Russian invasion. But this passage was subsequently deleted from the text published on the European Commission’s website. We cannot confirm this figure”, commented the Ukrainian army, questioned by Ukrainskaya Pravda.

10:03 : Russia must pay for its horrific crimes. We will work with the ICC and help set up a specialized court to try Russia’s crimes. With our partners, we will make sure that Russia pays for the devastation it caused, with the frozen funds of oligarchs and assets of its central bank

10:03 : The EU will work on the establishment of a special tribunal to judge “the crimes of Russia” in Ukraine, announces the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, responding to a request from kyiv. “Together with our partners, we will ensure that Russia pays for the devastation it has caused, using the frozen funds of the oligarchs and the assets of its central bank”she said on Twitter.

10:25 a.m. : “An immense honor, an immense pride”, rejoices on franceinfo Margaux Benn, Albert-Londres prize for his reports on the war in Ukraine. The Franco-Canadian reporter was rewarded for a series of reports on the war in Ukraine. She takes the opportunity to salute the work of Ukrainian journalists who do not benefit from any “visibility” outside.

08:27 : In kyiv, despite power cuts, the real estate market is holding up thanks to falling rents “from 30 to 50%”. Despite the “black outs” which sometimes last several hours, apartments in the capital are finding takers, with customers taking advantage of falling prices. Tours often take place by candlelight and without an elevator. Franceinfo followed a real estate agent.


08:26 : “Last time I said three words: guns, guns, guns. This time I have three more words: faster, faster and faster.”

Ukraine calls on the member countries of NATO meeting in Bucharest to speed up the delivery of weapons and electrical equipment in order to help the country, scarred by more than nine months of war, to cope with the damage caused to its energy infrastructure by Russian bombing.

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