the head of state is committed to the autonomy of the island



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – B. Gelot, J. Wittenberg, S. Lisnyj, J. Cohen-Oliviéri

France Televisions

Traveling to Corsica, Thursday September 28, Emmanuel Macron said he wanted to “make the lives of Corsicans better”. The President of the Republic announced the outlines of greater autonomy for the island.

Emmanuel Macron is visiting Corsica for the fourth time as head of state. Thursday, September 28, he was warmly welcomed by elected officials, but without applause. At the end of six years of tense relations between the President of the Republic and Corsica, Emmanuel Macron pronounced the words long awaited by nationalists. “Let us have the audacity to build autonomy for Corsica in the Republic”, “neither against the State nor without the State”he declared, referring to “a historic moment”.

The inhabitants shared

After these announcements, the elected autonomists stood up and applauded Emmanuel Macron. In the streets of Ajaccio (Southern Corsica), residents are divided. “It’s about time. We need it because we are an island, we have specificities that are ours, a language, a culture, a history that are ours”says a woman. “I don’t think this is the path to take to give Corsica a boost in development”considers, for his part, a man.

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