the head of state discusses with health professionals, the demonstrators kept away

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3:12 p.m. : After the enactment of the law, have opponents of the pension reform lost the battle? How can the social movement evolve? Have his goals changed? To answer these questions, franceinfo spoke with historian Danielle Tartakowsky, a specialist in social movements, and political scientist Jean-Marie Pernot, a fine connoisseur of trade unionism.


2:53 p.m. : An investigation was opened by the parquet floor of Grenoble (Isère) after a mannequin bearing the effigy of Emmanuel Macron was burned in Place Notre-Dame yesterday, announces France 3 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. According to the Departmental Directorate of Public Security of Isère, the demonstrators also chanted anti-Macron slogans : “Louis XVI we beheaded him, Macron we will start again.”

A mannequin bearing the image of Emmanuel Macron, the President of the Republic, was burned on Monday April 24 in Grenoble, Place Notre-Dame

2:27 p.m. : It is 2:04 p.m., we take stock of the news:

• Former Minister of Defense and Culture François Léotard died at 81, announced Emmanuel Macron on Twitter. The politician, a center-right figure, had also been a deputy for Var and mayor of Fréjus during his career.

• President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Vendôme, in Loir-et-Cher, to visit a nursing home in the context of medical desertification. A hundred demonstrators, some of them with saucepans, are present on the spot to welcome him.

Joe Biden announced that he was “a candidate for re-election” in 2024 in a video posted on social networks.

• Operation canceled in the Majicavo district. The judicial court of Mamoudzou, in Mayotte, yesterday suspended the operation to destroy the slum Talus 2, in the commune of Koungou. It was originally scheduled for this morning at 5 a.m. Paris time.

2:26 p.m. : Emmanuel Macron arrived on site. A hundred demonstrators are not far away, outside with pans. On a small secure street, a few dozen activists and sympathizers are also present, according to our journalists present on the spot.

2:26 p.m. :

Demonstrators with saucepans form a welcome committee for Emmanuel Macron, traveling to Vendôme, in Loir-et-Cher, where the Head of State is to visit a nursing home against a backdrop of accelerated medical desertification #AFP # AFPTV

2:26 p.m. : We make a point on the side of Vendôme, in the Loir-et-Cher, where demonstrators with saucepans form a reception committee for Emmanuel Macron. An invasion of the tracks of the city center station is in progress, according to our colleagues present on the spot.


2:27 p.m. : New concert of saucepans (and other objects) during Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Vendôme in Loir-et-Cher.

2:27 p.m. : Traveling to Vendôme in the Loir-et-Cher, President Emmanuel Macron is greeted by a new concert of saucepans, as noted by the journalist Rémi Buisine present on the spot. The travels of several ministers have been disrupted by protests and kitchenware concerts in recent days.

11:56 : Photo of the target, time of appointment in a station: it is to invite to violence. My determination remains unfailing to meet students and teachers, listen, answer questions. Debate is necessary; violence is the exact opposite.

11:55 a.m. : “Debate is necessary, violence is the exact opposite”.

The Minister of Education reacted on Twitter after being booed yesterday at the Gare de Lyon. “My determination remains unfailing to meet students and teachers, listen, answer questions”added Pap Ndiaye.

11:58 : Good morning ! I don’t know about “sound amplifying sound devices”, but according to specialists in public law, the wording “portable sound devices” used in previous decrees was quite vague can target any object that makes noise. This could be the case of a saucepan, as we have seen in recent days.

Last Thursday in Ganges, for example, saucepans had been seized, but because of“a bad interpretation of the gendarmes”defended himself Gérald Darmanin.

More generally, if you are wondering about the legality of these prefectural decrees, our True from False team has tried to answer it in this article.

12:36 p.m. : Hi FI, are pans considered “sound amplifying sound devices”? Can a lawyer answer this question?

11:39 : Appeasement, episode 8965. Macron is going to the multidisciplinary university health center in Vendôme. Address: 53 rue Christiane Granger. Prepare the sound welcoming committee. Mobilization until the retirement reform is withdrawn.

11:38 : The deputy of La France insoumise Thomas Portes calls on Twitter for a “sound welcome committee” in reaction to the ban on demonstrations in Loir-et-Cher. “Let’s make some noise to make ourselves heard and remind us of our opposition to the pension reform”for its part launched the CGT of Loir-et-Cher.

11:21 a.m. : The prefecture of Loir-et-Cher prohibits “processions, parades and protest rallies” as well as the port of “sound amplifying devices” in Vendôme, the city where Emmanuel Macron will be traveling today.

11:00 : An anniversary to the sound of saucepans: nearly 400 rallies took place all over France last night, one year to the day after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron. Our journalist Willy Moreau went to meet the “casseroleurs” in Paris, with quite varied profiles.

09:30 : On March 23, Emmanuel Macron announced that the postponement of the examination of the initial immigration bill, which would be split into several texts. It combined acceleration of the expulsions of foreigners in an irregular situation and regularization of undocumented migrants in economic sectors in “tension”. But on Monday, in front of the readers of Parisianhe pleaded again for “one text”at the risk of antagonizing those, on the left as well as on the right, who could vote for part of the text but reject all “at the same time” on the other.

09:54 : On the set of CNEWS, the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt judged that it will be necessary “to do everything to avoid” adopting the future law on immigration by a new 49.3, while admitting that this remained a “assumption”.

08:58 : On the set of BFMTV-RMC, Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of La France insoumise, reiterates his expectations of the government on the problem of inflation: “Increase in the minimum wage, convene a conference on wages (…) why not index wages to inflation”.

08:58 : Pitiful the intervention of the two women who talk about pensions and Macron. I thought we were going to award a Molière to Macron

08:58 : How the two women of the CGT can be so inaccurate! Thank you to the Minister for having spoken “the” truth.

09:02 : Hello franceinfo, it’s “funny” to hear members of the government say that they are listening or that their doors are open, what they don’t understand is that many are opposed to this pension reform and I find that each time they speak of dialogue or open doors, it is to repeat the elements of language.

09:01 : Hello franceinfo. Well, I think the Minister of Culture is very brave. Still happy that she was able to speak and recall how much these show people were helped so much during the Covid unlike other countries in the world. Banging on pots is probably easier than going to chat with a minister who invites you to her office!

09:02 : Many of you reacted after the heated exchange between CGT activists and the Minister of Culture last night at the Molières ceremony. Some point to the minister’s double talk, others congratulate her for defending herself.

09:03 : “I’m not saying that France has become Hungary or Poland, but in Hungary, Orban also relies on the Constitution, on the laws he has passed, to challenge the checks and balances.”

Yannick Jadot was very critical, at the microphone of France Inter, vis-à-vis the actions of the government in recent weeks. The MEP Europe Ecologie-Les Verts notably returned to the attacks against the League of Human Rights and the threat of dissolution against the association Uprisings of the Earth.

09:04 : Good morning @cylco_ecolo ! Indeed, the Minister of Territorial Communities and Rurality, Dominique Faure, had made people talk about her by publishing on the networks a video intended “pedagogic” on pension reform. France 3 Occitanie explained the minister’s “bad buzz” in this article.

09:05 : Hello Zoe. On France Info TV, there was talk of a (bad?) buzz from the guest, Minister Dominique Faure… But I’ve never heard of this buzz… Can you put the video for us? or a link? Thanks in advance !

08:12 : Guest of the franceinfo channel, Dominique Faure, Minister in charge of Rurality, was questioned on the white zones. The former mayor of Saint-Orens-de-Gameville, in Haute-Garonne, was optimistic: “Soon, we will cover the entire population, we are already at more than 99%.” Nearly one in five households, i.e. 11.8 million consumers, is still deprived of a “true” high-speed internet connection, however, says a study published Tuesday, April 18 by UFC-Que Choisir.

08:09 : “When you see the trajectory, I don’t know how it’s going to end, but it’s off to a bad start.”

On the set of the “Four Truths” of France 2, Marion Maréchal criticized the record of Emmanuel Macron. According to the former far-right MP, the head of state must answer two “anxieties” of the French: purchasing power and “great identity concern”.

07:55 : “We did not wait for pans to listen to the French”.

Asked about the heckled ministers during their travels, Gabriel Attal assures the microphone of RTL that “The important thing is that we continue to move and that we get in touch with the French”.

07:42 : Good morning @Jeanne ! Last night, two CGT activists gave a speech at the Molières ceremony to denounce the pension reform. “Long live the casseroles”they concluded, after having challenged the Minister of Culture, Rima Abdul-Malak.

In response, the minister stood up and responded, accusing the unions of asking for the postponement of a meeting with her about the reform, scheduled for Thursday. “There is still time to change your mind, I am here, my door is open”, she said. I put the sequence if you want to see it in full!

07:37 : Good morning ! Could you explain what happened with the Minister of Culture during the Molières ceremony?

07:11 : Dailies Le Figaro And THE World both open on Emmanuel Macron. “Macron seeks to reconnect with the middle classes”can we read in one of the first, which underlines that “the French have the impression of carrying the social system alone”. The world talks about a president “in the face of the doubts of his majority”.

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