The head of Russian diplomacy accuses the West of thinking “of nuclear war”

“Everyone knows that a Third World War can only be nuclear, but I draw your attention to the fact that it is in the minds of Western politicians, not in that of the Russians,” Sergei Lavrov said.

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The head of Russian diplomacy Sergei Lavrov assured, Thursday, March 3, that Western leaders considered the possibility of a nuclear war in the context of the conflict with Russia. “Everyone knows that a third world war can only be nuclear, but I draw your attention to the fact that it is in the minds of Western politicians, not in those of the Russians”the Russian Foreign Minister said at a press conference.

He notably pointed to recent remarks by his French and British counterparts Jean-Yves Le Drian and Elizabeth Truss referring to nuclear deterrence and the risk of war with Russia. “If some are developing a real war plan against us, and I think they are developing them, they must think carefully”he said, assuring that “we will not let anyone destabilize us”.

Vladimir Putin announced on Sunday to put the Russian army’s nuclear deterrent force on alert, a decision that sent shock waves around the world, with many capitals protesting against this new escalation in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine.

When announcing the Russian military intervention in Ukraine a week ago, the Russian president also had a meaningful threat. “Anyone who tries to hinder us, let alone create a threat to our country, to our people, must know that Russia’s response will be immediate and will inflict consequences such as you have never experienced in your history.he had said.

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