The head of British diplomacy in Ukraine, announces new aid

British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly paid a visit to Ukraine on Friday where he met President Volodymyr Zelensky and announced new aid to Ukrainians “in their fight”.

During his visit, six days after that of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Mr. Cleverly notably announced the delivery of 24 additional ambulances and 3 million pounds more to help rebuild infrastructure.

Mr. Cleverly met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kouleba in Kiev.

“The United Kingdom is at the side of Ukraine,” said Mr. Cleverly quoted in a press release from the British government.

“I announced today a set of concrete measures to help our Ukrainian friends in their fight, from ambulances to crucial support for survivors of sexual violence perpetrated by the Russian military,” he said, without further details.

On Saturday, Rishi Sunak visiting Ukraine had already announced military aid amounting to 50 million pounds (57.4 million euros) and humanitarian aid of 16 million pounds (18.3 million euros) .

The military aid includes “125 anti-aircraft guns and technology to counter the deadly drones provided by Iran (in Moscow, editor’s note), including dozens of radars and anti-drone electronic equipment”, had signposted Downing Street.

On Wednesday, London – one of Kyiv’s strongest supporters since the Russian invasion in February – also announced the dispatch of helicopters to support the Ukrainians.

The UK has also pledged to provide £5m for a Ukraine-led initiative through the UN’s World Food Program to send Ukrainian grain to countries at high risk of famine. such as Yemen and Sudan.

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