the Haute Autorité de santé recommends a booster dose in the fall for people at risk

The organization also believes that people aged at least 80, immunocompromised or at very high risk should be able to “benefit from an additional booster from the spring”.

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The objective is to “to protect the greatest number of people from severe forms and deaths, to limit viral circulation and to preserve the health system”. The High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends, Friday February 24, the administration of a booster dose of vaccine against Covid-19 in the fall, “for people at risk of severe form”that is, people with certain comorbidities regardless of age, people aged 65 and over, and pregnant women.

The HAS also recommends that people aged 80 and over, immunocompromised people and people at very high risk of the disease “can benefit from an additional booster from the spring”.

This new dose is recommended “within at least six months” after the last infection or previous vaccination. HAS advocates the use of bivalent messenger RNA vaccines adapted to Omicron, regardless of the vaccine previously administered.

In its press release, the organization suggests that the recall campaign in the fall be coupled with that of the flu vaccine. However, she considers that the possibility of setting up a vaccination campaign at any time should not be excluded if the epidemiological situation justifies it”.

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