the Haute Autorité de santé recommends a booster dose for adults as early as five months after the primary vaccination

What there is to know

The vaccination campaign is expected to resume actively soon. The High Authority for Health recommended, Thursday, November 25, a booster dose for all adults as early as five months after the primary vaccination, “on the basis of the results of the modeling data transmitted by the Institut Pasteur”. HAS also stresses the need to strengthen barrier actions. Follow our live.

A mid-day press conference. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, will speak Thursday, November 25 at 12:30 p.m. to present new measures intended to deal with the health crisis, while the number of cases has been increasing very rapidly in France for several days.

A reminder for all? According to information from franceinfo, the government will propose the generalization of the third booster dose to all adults, defended by the Scientific Council and the Vaccine Strategy Orientation Council.

The return of the mask. The mask could also be made compulsory in all indoor places where the health pass is requested (restaurants, shopping centers, performance venues, museums). Even in a few outdoor places with a high concentration of people such as Christmas markets, at the discretion of the prefects.

A rising balance sheet. Some 32,591 new cases of Covid-19 have been detected in the past 24 hours in France, according to the latest data published by Public Health France, Wednesday, November 24. A week ago, 20,294 new cases of Covid-19 had been identified.

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