the Haute Autorité de santé recommends a booster dose for adults aged 40 and over

This booster dose should be done six months after completing his first vaccination schedule.

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The booster dose vaccination campaign is expected to accelerate soon. In a notice published on Friday 19 November, the High Authority for Health (HAS) recommended the administration of a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine for all adults aged 40 years and older.

This booster dose should be administered six months after completing his first vaccination schedule, and be performed with a messenger RNA vaccine, such as those offered by Pfizer and Moderna, says the organization. Traveling in Hauts-de-France, Emmanuel Macron had earlier indicated that the government would side with the advice of the HAS to continue the vaccination campaign.

To justify its decision, the HAS indicates that it has in particular “taken into account real-life Israeli data” indicating that the booster dose “confers excellent levels of protection against infection” by the virus, “including in people under the age of 60 years”.

Is this advice a prelude to an expansion of the booster dose to all adults ? Not at the moment. “The data and analyzes available do not yet allow the HAS to comment” on the advisability of opening a new vaccination campaign for other age groups, writes the organization.

“In fact, the rarity of cases of severe form of the disease or of death in the youngest first-vaccinated (less than 40 years) does not allow a formal conclusion to be drawn on the reduction of individual risk in this population “, adds the HAS, which also specifies that young adults have mostly been vaccinated more recently than their elders, which for the time being limits the decrease in immunity conferred by the vaccine.

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