the HATVP did not find any “failure” in the minister’s statements

The Minister for Energy Transition was heard by the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life.

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The High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) issued an opinion on Tuesday, November 15, concerning the situation of Agnès Pannier-Runacher. In a press release, she says she sees “the absence of breach” of the Minister for Energy Transition to her “declarative obligations”. This lastit is involved in “a possible conflict of interest” with a family company fed from tax havens, according to a survey by the investigative media Disclose, published on Tuesday, November 8.

The High Authority for Transparency in Public Life claims to have carried out additional checks and to have discussed with the minister. It is in this context that she considers that “the deportation decree published today [qui empêche Agnès Pannier-Runacher de s’occuper de sujets liés à l’entreprise pétrolière Perenco que son père a dirigé] makes it possible to prevent the risk of conflicts of interest vis-à-vis this group”.

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