The harvest of the 7th Art in Pauillac, Day 2

The harvest of the 7th Art in Pauillac, Day 2: It’s the International Film Festival in Pauillac!

All week, France Bleu Gironde brings you this event: conferences, screenings, open-air cinema sessions… You will know everything and this, until July 17th!

Surprising evenings

Like the film crew The tasting with Isabelle Carré and Bernard Campan, the evenings of Pauillac are festive, singing and dancing:

Screenings and meetings

The director Jean-Jacques Annaud came to present his book Notre-Dame Is Burning – the Logbook of the Film. The opportunity to discuss with him his childhood spent very close to this emblematic monument of the city of Paris. The opportunity also to discover his love of architecture and in particular that of the Middle Ages. A curiosity that goes even further:

At the time of Yéyé, I barely knew who Johnny Hallyday was, I listened to sacred music, that was my universe.

Did you know that he has traveled all over the world and whenever he can, he visits places of worship? All religions combined, it’s always a beautiful emotion.

It is therefore natural that he seized on this dramatic event that is the fire of the Notre-Dame-De-Paris Cathedral in 2019 to tell it in his film Notre-Dame Brûle. A film screened outdoors and free of charge on the quays of Pauillac, this Wednesday at 10:30 p.m.

Outdoor session Pauillac

Day 3, the program:

For this July 14, meet at 2 p.m. for a special screening since it is the official release in France of the new film by Woody Allen Rifkin’s Festival, a romantic comedy to see at the Eden cinema. At 6:30 p.m., a film by Louis Garrel, L’innocent, which deals with the right to a second chance. And to end on a high note, at 10:30 p.m., the film tribute to Celine Dion by Valérie Lemercier: Aline… Free open-air screening on the quays of Pauillac.

The complete program of the Harvest of the 7th Art here

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