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Friday March 18, Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist at France Télévisions, explains on the set of 12/13 the harmful effects of light on our sleep.
“Light is a very important element for sleep, because light can block sleep“, explains Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist at France Télévisions on the set of 12/13, Friday March 18. The brightness can, in fact, block the secretion of melatonin, a hormone, secreted in the evening, which prepares the body for sleep The white and blue lights generated by the screens are therefore to be avoided before going to bed, but not only. “We calculated that the brightness of a candle is enough to block melatonin”says Damien Mascret.
“If brightness, light comes on the eyelids, it keeps the brain with a certain level of alert”, continues the journalist and doctor. Thus, those who sleep with light have a heart that will beat slightly faster, which can cause cardiovascular problems. Very dim lights are preferred in the bedroom.