the hard confidences of Amber Heard’s lawyers

The turmoil is not over for the two ex-spouses. After years of litigation between Amber Heard and her former husband, Johnny Depp, the two Hollywood stars have once again made their way to court. The former couple accuse each other of defamation during this lawsuit which takes place in Fairfax, in the United States. The reason. A column published in the washington post in 2018, in which the young mother described herself as a “victim of domestic violence”. On that first day of trial, Amber Heard’s lawyers described the marriage hell she was in and argued that the star of Pirates of the Caribbean is a “freak” addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Amber Heard’s lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft, gave more details on the life of a couple of the two stars. She explains that the actress “loved the side of Johnny you see in the movies, charismatic, charming, generous, he’s the man she fell in love with.” The reality was very different continues the lawyer, evoking the cocktails of alcohol, drugs, ecstasy or even hallucinogenic mushrooms. “But unfortunately the monster appeared and this monster appeared when he was drinking or taking drugs”she explained to the court.

Verbal and physical violence. Vanessa Paradis’ ex had it in him “huge anger”transforming it “as a monster”. It was during these episodes that he “verbally, psychologically, physically and sexually assaulted” Ambert Heard, says his lawyer. The actress ofAquaman never parted with her make-up kit, which allowed her to hide the bruises on her body and facesays the lawyer who promises to show the jury the “shocking pictures” of his client.

Hollywood Stripes

In her column, the actress did not mention Johnny Depp, whom she married in 2015. She then requested a protective order to keep him at a distance. Amber Heard then dropped her charges as part of their grueling divorce. A battle that had serious consequences on the professional life of the two stars. Amber Heard almost lost her role in the sequel to The Adventures ofAquaman. As for Johnny Depp, he lost many contracts with major brands and was replaced by Mads Mikkelsen in the role of Grindelwald, in the sequel to Fantastic Beasts.

See also: Johnny Depp, his physical evolution

Helene Bardeau

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