The happy story of the world with Albert Meslay, at Baz’Art in Libourne

To see at the Afterwork in Mérignac on November 18 and at Baz’Art in Libourne on Friday November 19 and Saturday November 20 at 8:45 p.m.

5000 years of history!

In this alone on stage, Albert Meslay looks back on the major events and the characters that have marked our world, from prehistoric men to the digital revolution. It is also about the French Revolution, the Venus de Milo, Joan of Arc, the Huns, Pliny the Elder and the atomic bomb. Without forgetting, of course, a vast summary panorama of present and future history. With “La Joyeuse Histoire du Monde”, Albert Meslay gives us a series of new texts in the continuity of his previous shows, approaching with a sense of the absurd disarming the problems of our societies of yesterday, today and of tomorrow…

Absurd humor

Albert Meslay is a French humorist born May 9, 1956 in Saint-Brieuc, in the Côtes d’Armor. After studying Economics, he then worked as a programmer analyst, but he did not flourish in his work. He begins to tour small stages and bistros that organize shows on Saturdays, in his native Brittany and achieved some success there. To his credit: radio with Laurence Boccolini on France Inter (“Nothing to see) and Stéphane Bern (” The king’s fool “), songs (for Enzo Enzo) and television (France 2 and Comédie). His absurd humor made up of aphorisms and syllogisms is wreaking havoc! To see at the Afterwork in Mérignac on November 18 and at Baz’Art in Fronsac on Friday November 19 and Saturday November 20 at 8:45 p.m.

Full price: 20 €.

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