It’s a frustrating start to the season for the Le Havre players. After the draw conceded at home against Grenoble on the first day of the championship, the HAC lost 1 goal to 0 last week in Valenciennes. A victory against Pau this Saturday would launch the Ciel et marine season. Last year, Le Havre won 1-0 against Pau in the first leg before losing 2-1 in the second leg in the Pyrenees.
– Pierre Frasiak
For this third day of Ligue 2, HAC coach Luka Elsner remains calm. It demands a lot of energy from its players: “I would like to have a big start to the game. I would like _have 20/25 minutes where we take out all the weapons we have, that we print a big intensity_“. Added to this is “the angry desire to end up in the penalty area and finish our actions”. With no achievement in two games, the Le Havre must absolutely frame more shots to hope to open their goal counter.
Take inspiration from the second half in Valenciennes
If the results are not good so far, everything is not to be thrown away in the Le Havre performances according to the young 20-year-old defender, Arouna Sangante. “We started the game badly. [face à Valenciennes, samedi dernier], our first half was not like what we can produce on the pitch. After _the second half had another face and that’s the one i want to see_“.
Meeting to follow on France Bleu Normandie
Kick-off of the match between Le Havre and Pau this Saturday at 7 p.m. at the Océane stadium. The meeting can be followed live and in full on France Bleu Normandiewith comments by François Manoury.