“The guests always leave shaken,” says Jérôme Lament, the co-producer of the France 2 show.

After Emmanuel Macron, Gilles Lellouche or the singer Julien Doré, journalists with autistic disorders welcome actress Virginie Efira on Saturday March 4.

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It is a nugget of which television unfortunately offers too little. Papotin meetings managed the feat of convincing both the public and the critics.

>> “Are you rich?”, “What do you think of Putin?” : Emmanuel Macron answers questions from the “Rencontres du Papotin”

Around three million viewers have followed these interviews on Saturday at 8:30 p.m. on France 2 since the start of the school year in September. It even rose to five million when Emmanuel Macron came to talk to these journalists like no other: all of them have autism spectrum disorders.

For 30 minutes, the invited personalities split the armor in the face of frank, poetic, moving or funny questions from their interlocutors. Actress Virginie Efira, crowned with a César for best actress for her role as a survivor of an attack in “Revoir Paris”, took part in the exercise, before Josiane Balasko next month.

Jérôme Lament, one of the show’s producers, is Célyne Baÿt-Darcourt’s media guest.

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