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As the war in Ukraine continues, Wednesday, March 9, men and women volunteer to help the army. All wish to fight the Russian forces.
Nurses, workers, lawyers, directors, with or without military experience, many have decided to take up arms for their country. While Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 can be mobilized, some volunteers come to swell the ranks of the army. “My life has changed completely, I can’t make music when people are dying“, explains Nasar, 21, violinist, student at the conservatory of Kiev (Ukraine).
Svetlana, a nurse at the hospital, also joined the army. For her, it was obvious. “VSIt’s a cry from the heart, our soldiers are in danger, if I don’t go, who will?“, she says. Several thousand men and foreign soldiers would have thus responded to the call of Volodymyr Zelensky, and joined the international legion. Among them, Florent Coury, a 32-year-old Frenchman who left his family and friends. three children to go and fight in Ukraine.