The growing need for Christmas baskets

By Friday, the Artisans of Peace of Trois-Rivières must have made 1,400 Christmas baskets for people in need. This is 200 more than last year, but the volunteers are accepting the extra work.

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“In society, you have to think of others,” laughs Gaétan Gravel, who is in his eighth Christmas basket campaign.

For some, like the new councilor of the Marie-de-L’Incarnation district in Trois-Rivières, Richard Dober, it is also a way of giving back. “When I was young, we used to receive Christmas baskets at home. It’s emotional, ”he says.

The challenge is great for the organization which helps the most disadvantaged. The shortage of manpower exhausts everyone and the difficult economic context is felt. According to the chairman of the board of directors of Artisans, former minister Jean-Denis Girard, food donations were less numerous this year while the needs are increasing.

“The basket of groceries is increasing significantly. These people do not have the income that follows with inflation, so it is even more difficult to be able to feed families, ”he says.

This is without taking into account that the organization is also a victim of inflation. “Yes, the costs are increasing. The costs of preparing the baskets are also increasing for us, ”adds Mr. Girard.

In addition to the Christmas baskets, 500 already wrapped gifts will be delivered to families so that the children also have a beautiful Christmas.

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