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In Italy, the streets are sagging in several large cities, such as Naples or Rome. A friable rock, volcanic tuff, would be involved.
Suddenly, a chasm opened on January 8 in Naples (Italy)in the almost deserted parking lot of a hospital. Six cars overturned 20 meters deep. Miraculously, they were empty. “Under a thin surface layer, there was only emptiness, and that’s why it gave way suddenly“, had then explained Ennio Aquilinespokesman for the Naples fire department. Collapses of this type are regular in Italy, often after heavy rains.
In Rome as in Naples, two cities affected by these collapses, the subsoil is a Swiss cheese composed of volcanic tuff, an unstable rock which is soft in places and harder in others. A brigade has the mission of mapping the basements of Rome. A mission tricky becauseat any time, pieces weakened by the human presence can come off.