The green economy “will not create massive unemployment”

The federal Liberals’ long-promised plan to transition Canada’s workforce to respond to climate change says a ‘green economy’ won’t cause mass unemployment in cities that are intimately linked to hydrocarbons .

Ottawa’s Interim Plan for Sustainable Jobs even argues that if Canada plays its cards right, the green economy will create so many jobs that there may not be enough workers to fill those positions. This transition plan has become the favorite target of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, who argues that the federal Liberals’ ultimate goal is to shut down the oil and gas industry altogether.

In its provisional plan for 2023-2025 published on Friday, the government assures that this is not the case. The plan predicts that while Canadians must accept a dramatic drop in demand for oil and gas, it will not disappear completely.

The government also says many workers already have the skills needed to move into emerging sectors like hydrogen and biofuels.

The plan also calls for the creation of a new federal secretariat that will help coordinate job transition, workforce training and retraining programs, and better data collection on existing and future jobs. created.

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