the great return of pollen and allergies


Video length: 1 min

Health: the great return of pollen and allergies

Health: the great return of pollen and allergies – (franceinfo)

The mild temperatures caused some trees to bud earlier than expected, and pollen to proliferate on French territory. The South-East and the East are particularly concerned.

Pollen is already making a comeback in certain French regions. Hazelnut trees and alders, in full flower, increase the risk of allergies at high levels, as in Alsace or the Vosges. In Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), some are already affected. “My wife, she already feels it”, assures a passerby. Allergies have a head start in 2024, due to particularly mild temperatures.

A weekend respite

“We have the impression that allergic patients are describing symptoms earlier and earlier in the year. Some patients have already been describing symptoms since the end of December. We tend to want to attribute this to the fact that we are passing increasingly mild winters, with warming temperatures which can be attributed to global warming”, reports Christophe Marcot, pneumo-allergist at the Strasbourg CHRU. Showers forecast for the weekend should provide a slight respite for allergy sufferers.

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