The Great Explorers | “We are ready for another 50 years”

Why change a winning formula? For the organization of the Grands Explorateurs, the recipe that has made it famous for 50 years now still works.

“We are going to continue in the same vein, but by rejuvenating the concept”, affirms André Maurice, director of relations with the filmmakers-speakers at the Grands Explorateurs.

The virtual broadcasting experience acquired during the pandemic will also allow Les Grands Explorateurs to reach a new audience, Francophones and Francophiles from other provinces of Canada and the United States.


The director of relations with filmmakers-speakers, André Maurice, in front of a collection of posters of the Grands Explorateurs

It was in 1972 that Pierre Valcour, François Prévost and Serge Martin were inspired by a French concept, Conférence du monde, to organize a first film-conference in Montreal. The event, a film on the Amazon presented by French filmmaker Marcel Isy-Schwart, was such a success that the trio launched a series, Les Grands Explorateurs.

The formula is simple: the filmmaker-speaker is on stage, in the flesh, to comment on the film and answer questions from the audience. Spectators have remained there over time. In the 1990s, we were talking about 40,000 subscribers and tours in 53 cities in Quebec.

Obviously, the pandemic has forced Les Grands Explorateurs to “reinvent” itself, to use an expression that is still in fashion. We decided to offer the series of lectures on an online platform.

“Our subscribers followed us,” says Maurice.

Return to the room

Last July, a great commotion, we decided to return to the cinema. The return in person is done quietly. There are now 15,000 subscribers in 15 cities in Quebec. “It’s like everywhere at the moment, people have to be given time to get used to coming to the theater again,” comments Mr. Maurice. But we feel that there is a craze, that people are tired of staying at home and that they want to go out. »

Quebecers have also started to travel again. “They want to have travel ideas, that’s why they come back more and more to the Grands Explorateurs”, says André Maurice.

This is precisely one of the paradoxes of the evolution of the Great Explorers. In the 1970s, Quebecers traveled less and if they did, they favored France, the United States and a few sunny destinations. They knew little about more exotic destinations. The Great Explorers provided them with a unique window.

But over the years, Quebecers have learned to travel to more exotic countries. They also have access to more travel content on TV and social media. How to stand out, then?

The Grands Explorateurs rely on what sets them apart, namely the presence of speakers, the exchange with the spectators. “It’s like the difference between going to the theater and going to the cinema,” says Maurice.

But still it is necessary to modernize the whole a little. “The speakers were often at their table, they could read their text. We will find different ways to present the films, but always with optimal quality. »

We have been around for 50 years, there are people who have been following us for a long time. Our clientele is over 50 years old, they are young retirees or people a little older. But there are young people who come more and more, young people interested in adventure, in making films.

André Maurice, of the Great Explorers

“We invite young people who have ideas for films about different countries to come and see us, we are open,” he continues.

Upcoming projects

Les Grands Explorateurs will continue to offer online film conferences. “The good thing about that is that we are accessible everywhere in Canada. Now, we are in the process of developing certain regions of the United States, such as Louisiana, California, Michigan. There are francophones and francophiles over there who will be able to subscribe. I’m working on it currently. »

The organization is already working on the programming for the next season. It receives something like 20 to 30 film proposals per year and retains 8 of them (a series of 6 as well as 2 special films).

“It’s something that rolls, confirms André Maurice. We are ready for another 50 years, no problem. »

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  • 60
    This is the number of schools that Les Grands Explorateurs visit each year.

    Source: The Great Explorers

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