The grandmother of the “Granby girl” wants to address the judge

The grandmother of the “Granby girl” wants to address the judge before he decides how long he is going to send the child’s mother-in-law behind bars.

She was convicted Thursday by a jury of the second degree murder of the 7-year-old girl, as well as having her kidnapped by wrapping her in duct tape, at the end of a trial that lasted nearly two months.

Comments on the sentence that will be imposed on the 38-year-old woman will take place on December 17.

During a brief hearing Friday morning before Judge Louis Dionne of the Superior Court, who presided over the trial, Crown Attorney Mr.e Jean-Sébastien Bussières, told him that the child’s grandmother wants to read a letter on this occasion.

It is common for relatives of victims to approach the Court to express their pain and to express how their disappearance has had an impact on their lives.

The magistrate nodded and reminded lawyers that he expected detailed arguments on the sentence, including all the aggravating and mitigating factors that apply to his case.

Since the woman has been convicted of second degree murder, she automatically receives a life sentence. It only remains to decide on the minimum period of time during which she will be incarcerated before having the right to apply for parole. It can vary from 10 to 25 years given the nature of the crime for which she was convicted.

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