The grandmother of influencer Lena Situations violently insulted by telephone and harassed… her ordeal told in detail!

Being a public figure is a dream of many. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy… And it’s probably not Léna Situations who will say the opposite. The famous Youtuber posted a long video on Youtube on July 31 to denounce the harassment she had suffered, and still suffers, following her notoriety. But it is really since the summer of 2021 that the young woman has been living a real ordeal.

So much so that she made the choice to deactivate her Twitter account because of the many criticisms she received for each of her videos. But she had not really spoken about it until Sunday, July 31. “We know it […] I know the rules of the game […] When you make Lifestyle-based videos, you’re going to be attacked for very personal things, because you’re showing very personal things.”she explains in reference to the derogatory remarks of which she may be the subject before adding: “I’m complaining about something that very few people can understand, I feel like I’m totally disconnected from reality”.

Horrible insults to all his family

In the rest of the video, Léna Situations goes further and explains that she feels attacked for a reason that has no place, “just because I’m here, and I’m a girl”. The insults she receives? Always the same and of course those that do not fly very high: “bitch”, “bitch” most of which come from men.

If the young woman has a lot of trouble accepting this situation, like everyone else, she may not have thought that this story was going to get so big and that her haters were going to attack her family members. In addition to her mother, it is now without a grandmother who has to face a wave of hatred. “It’s funny people found the grandmother’s number in Léna situations to tell her that she was a bitch but for pedophile YouTubers nothing at all. She says it in her last video unfortunately. Some go too far”announced a twittos about the situation experienced by the Youtuber and her family.

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