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While carrying a cargo of 26,000 tons of corn, this cargo ship was turned back to southern Turkey, near its final destination, Lebanon.
This is the story of a long-awaited boat. On August 1, the Razoni had made a departure with great fanfare from Odessa (Ukraine) to reach Tripoli (Lebanon). Everything was going as planned, until he found himself at a standstill in southern Turkey, then very close to his destination. The welcome ceremony and the press conference are cancelled.
In a tweet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Lebanon explains that “the end buyer in Lebanon refused to accept the shipment due to the delay in delivery (more than five months). The sender is therefore looking for another recipientManeuver to lower the price or lie from the charterer who had another agreement in Syria or Iraq? This turnaround will further complicate an already tense situation. unload its 12,000 tons of maize in Turkey.