the governor of the region reports “fierce battles” near Sievierodonetsk

The Russian offensive continues in eastern Ukraine, where fighting remains intense around this strategic city in Donbass.

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For several weeks, Russian troops have been trying to take control of the city of Sievierodonetsk in eastern Ukraine. On Saturday June 18, the Ukrainian authorities reported “fierce battles” in the surrounding villages. “Now the fiercest battles are taking place near Sievierodonetsk. [Les Russes] do not fully control the city”Sergei Gaïdaï, the governor of the Luhansk region, said on Telegram. “In the neighboring villages, the fighting is very difficult – in Toshkivska and Zolote.”

“They try to break through but fail. Our defenders are fighting the Russians in all directions. Recently they shot down a plane and took prisoners.”

Sergey Gaidai, governor of the Luhansk region

on Telegram

Sergei Gaidai also said that Lyssychansk, a Ukrainian-controlled city separated from Sievierodonetsk by a river, was “heavily bombed”. “They can’t get near it and that’s why they just shoot the city with airstrikes”he continued, adding that the situation is “very dangerous in the city”.

Sergei Gaïdaï also mentioned “more destruction” at the Azot chemical plant in Severodonetsk, where hundreds of civilians have taken refuge. On Friday, he said that 568 people, including 38 children, were hiding in the factory and that only one “complete ceasefire” would evacuate them. The UN called the situation in eastern Ukraine of“extremely alarming”.

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