the government’s strategy questioned



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Since Tuesday, February 15, the rules of the vaccine pass have changed. Between 4 and 5 million French people risk seeing it deactivated. However, vaccinations have been declining since mid-January.

The health situation continues to improve. The incidence rate has dropped by 40% in one week and hospital admissions are falling, including in intensive care. What push the government to optimism and evoke a horizon at the end of March, beginning of April to lift the vaccine pass. Does this pass still have any interest? Vaccinations have been falling in any case since mid-January.

For the first doses as for the booster doses, the finding is clearly a drop in the number of daily vaccinations, despite a vaccination pass which was due to expire on Tuesday February 15 for 4 to 5 million French people not being up to date. in their vaccinations. Several passers-by explain that they do not want to be vaccinated, given the lifting announced by the government of the vaccination pass.

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