the government’s speech is not “an alarmist speech”, according to Erwan Balanant, MoDem MP

“It is important to tell the French that we will have to be careful,” said MP MoDem.

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The MoDem deputy from Finistère, Erwan Balanant estimated Thursday, September 1 on franceinfo that the government’s speech on the energy crisis, was not a speech “alarmist” but one “speech of precaution and vigilance”. “It seems important to tell the French that we will have to be careful. The energy crisis will last several years, and I believe that everything is done by the government to avoid cuts”hammers the chosen one.

Asked about the new rebate on the price of fuel which came into force on Thursday, the MP believes that it “you have to find a balance”that he “Do not leave the most modest on the side of the road, those who take their car to drive the children to school for example”. According to him, “we all have to have this idea that energy is expensive and that we have to be careful all the time”he concludes.

As for the National Council for Refoundation, shunned by the opposition and Edouard Philippe, Erwan Balanant believes that “Nobody wants to go there for the opening session, for the moment. I think we need to have the vision to plan, evaluate the decisions that are made and adapt them”.

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