the government’s roadmap revealed



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1 minute


The ecological planning plan must set the course to follow to face the climate crisis. It will first be presented by Élisabeth Borne to the Head of State on Monday September 18.

Financing an increase in the ecological bonus for the purchase of electric cars is one of the proposals put forward in the transport sector. Matignon wants the share of electric cars in the French fleet to increase from 1% to 15% in 2030. Furthermore, the weight penalty for motorists could be extended. Buyers of cars over 1.6 tonnes would then have to pay a tax.

7 billion additional euros dedicated to the ecological transition

The government also promises answers on the financing of metropolitan RERs in around ten French cities. A tax on motorway and airport concessions is being studied. In the housing sector, additional credits should be allocated to the MaPrimeRenov’ system. By 2030, the government also wants to eliminate 75% of oil boilers and reduce gas boilers by around 20%.

In total, an additional 7 billion euros should be devoted to the ecological transition.

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