the government’s plan “is not at all the appropriate response to the situation”, says RN Jean-Philippe Tanguy

“There is really a problem of means, a problem of general laxity”, reacted this Thursday Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy National Rally, the day after the announcement by the government of a plan to fight against violence against women. elected.

The government’s plan in response to attacks on elected officials “is not at all the appropriate response to the situation”, estimates the deputy National Rally (RN) Jean-Philippe Tanguy, Thursday, May 18 on franceinfo. In particular, it plans to increase the criminal penalties for those who attack elected officials, as happened to the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins (Loire-Atlantique). Threatened by the far right and the victim of arson, Yannick Morez ended up throwing in the towel and announcing his resignation.

>> Violence against elected officials: what the plan announced by the Minister for Local Authorities Dominique Faure contains

Concretely, the executive wants to increase these sanctions up to seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 euros (for more than eight days of total incapacity for work), instead of three years and a fine of 75,000 euros. . “Why not”concedes Jean-Philippe Tanguy, but “you still have to be able to stop people”. “There is really a problem of means, a problem of general laxity, which makes society ‘go wild’he insists, and “Marine Le Pen has been denouncing it for years”.

The government also plans to create a network of more than 3,400 “referents attacks on elected officials” in police stations and gendarmeries. “I do not believe that the answer lies specifically in prevention”judges the elected official of the Somme, nor “by allowing you to file a complaint more quickly”. A device to allow elected officials to file a complaint at their home or at the town hall must indeed be put in place.

“Elected officials in the field, they are often in contact with the gendarmerie, with the police and when there is a problem, they are already heard as a priority”, says this member of the national office of the RN. Hearing by the Senate, Wednesday, May 17, the mayor of Saint-Brevin-les-Pins recounted a meeting with a gendarmerie commander and the sub-prefect, more than a month before the fire in his home. That day he felt “alone, abandoned”.

>> VIDEO. Resignation of the mayor of Saint-Brevin: “We alerted the gendarmerie and the response was: ‘We can’t do anything'”, testifies Yannick Morez

“What matters is that people definitely know that violence is never a solution, because if you use this violence, you will be punished”asserts Jean-Philippe Tanguy. “Of course we have to protect our elected officials”does it fit, “but the French sometimes also have the feeling that we talk a lot about the violence that affects certain people (…) but that the violence they suffer is trivialized”.

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