The government is launching the “colo pass” on Thursday to help 11-year-old children go to summer camps this summer. A way to speak to the middle classes, attracted by the RN vote.
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The “colo pass” is state aid of 200 to 350 euros so that children aged 11 can go to summer camp this summer. Around 600,000 pre-teens could potentially benefit from it. This helping hand is open to 80% of families. Only the richest 20% of households cannot claim it. The Minister Delegate in charge of Children, Youth and Families, Sarah El Haïry, will officially launch this “colo pass” on Thursday April 11 in Hérault, in a leisure center in La Grande-Motte.
Despite the period of budget shortage, several tens of millions of euros have already been locked. Suffice to say that if everyone wants to benefit from it, there may be a need for an extension cord. In the eyes of the government, this “color pass” is a useful expense to socialize children, offering an alternative to screens during the holidays if the parents are working. It is also seen as a “anti-RN weapon”, because this “colo pass” is not reserved for the most modest, who have already switched to the side of the National Rally. It also targets the middle classes, where the RN is gaining market share. Illustration in the latest Ifop poll for the Europeans: Jordan Bardella is at 28-30% among the middle classes, when Valérie Hayer’s Macronist list is at 21% among the upper middle classes and 18% among the lower middle classes.
Convince “these French people in between” and a younger electorate
The government chooses to make this “color pass” accessible to as many people as possible, and undertakes to contact “these French people convinced that power never concerns them”, “these French people who work, have no help, but struggle”. If that reminds you of Gabriel Attal, that’s normal. During his general policy speech at the end of January, the Prime Minister pampered “these French people in between, too rich to benefit from aid, but not rich enough not to count”. So this is help they can claim.
This “colo pass” is also a way of convincing a younger electorate not to turn away from the macronie, at a time when the list of the presidential majority is at 28% among those over 65 in the latest Ifop poll , and only 13-14% among 25-50 year olds, with an RN of 31-32% in this age group. Today, macronie appeals more to grandparents than parents.