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Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate in charge of Transport, was the guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Thursday, May 18.
Some users are asking for a gesture from the government on transport, because of the inconvenience following the social conflict over pensions. “It is very exceptional: the government will make, for the users who have been most affected, a gesture of compensation with the SNCF”, explains Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate in charge of Transport, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Thursday, May 18. Which lines will be affected? “I am thinking of the Intercités lines. […] It is for example Paris-Toulouse, Paris-Limoges, Paris-Clermont-Ferrand, Bordeaux-Marseille”he adds.
“About 20,000 people” concerned
Why the Intercités lines? “These are lines that are already in difficulty in normal times, with problems of punctuality, regularity. These are lines that have sometimes been neglected in recent years […]. And because during the social movement in connection with pensions, which we experienced at the start of the year, it was the lines that were the most affected. Sometimes it was nine out of ten trains that were cancelled”explains Clément Beaune.
When will this compensation start? “It will start on Monday, May 22. It will be very simple: automatic or online. For all subscribers, it’s 50% reimbursement of the subscription for all the months of January, February, March and April. And for other frequent travelers, who do not necessarily have a season ticket but who have often taken this train for family or professional reasons, all people who have made at least five round trips over this period will receive compensation of 100 euros”explains the Minister Delegate for Transport.
In detail, the implementation will be done automatically for those who are subscribers. For the aothers, “there’s will have contact by email”, specifies Clément Beaune. How many people will be affected? “About 20,000 people”indicates the Minister Delegate for Transport.