the government will cap the cost of missions at two million euros from 2023

Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Public Transformation, promises to ensure transparency “mission by mission”. The Senate report published in March specified that most contracts were limited to a few hundred thousand euros.

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Four months after the controversy over the McKinsey cabinet, Stanislas Guerini promised to “transparency”. Consulting missions entrusted by the State to private consulting firms will now be capped on principle to 2 million euros from 2023, announced to AFP the Minister of Public Transformation, Thursday July 28.

So far, the missions had no particular ceiling, but according to the very critical report published by the Senate in March, most of the missions amounted to tens or hundreds of thousands of euros. Well below the new limit.

The State will also undertake to publish “mission by mission” the amounts involved, the sponsor and the nature of the service, specified the member of the government. “If there must be non-publication, it is for reasoned reasons” as “defense interests”, qualified the member of the government. It will no longer be possible to exceed two consecutive contracts with the same private service provider, mentioned the minister.

In total, the State wishes to limit its total consulting expenditure to 150 million euros between 2023 and 2027, “with a maximum ceiling of 200 million euros in case of need”. This is less than the 226 million (excluding taxes) disbursed between 2018 and 2022.

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